About Us

GO-TI School of Combative Arts Tampa offers the best martial arts in the world. GO-TI is an exciting and powerful balance of kick-boxing, Gung-Fu, Aikido and grapping blended into a dynamic combination of martial arts. Although, these martial art techniques are centuries old, the programs we offer are always evolving to keep pace with our rapidly changing world.
GO-TI School of Combative Arts has been active in the United States for the past 40 years.
Presently, there are schools located in Detroit, MI, Lansing, MI and Anderson, IN. Now we are branching out into the Tampa, FL area.
The focus of our programs are to provide students the highest quality of martial art instructions available, in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy.
GO-TI School of Combative Arts Tampa will combine excellent student instructor ratios and help students reach goals they never before thought possible.
To offer students the best in martial arts training, physically and mentally, GO-TI School of Combative Arts Tampa will provide a place where one can learn the unique GO-TI techniques and enjoy the experience while making the commitment to learn and improve one’s self esteem, awareness, concentration, discipline and self-control. As students advance in rank from white to black belt they will gain the knowledge and experience that will last a lifetime.
GO-TI School of Combative Arts has been active in the United States for the past 40 years.
Presently, there are schools located in Detroit, MI, Lansing, MI and Anderson, IN. Now we are branching out into the Tampa, FL area.
The focus of our programs are to provide students the highest quality of martial art instructions available, in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy.
GO-TI School of Combative Arts Tampa will combine excellent student instructor ratios and help students reach goals they never before thought possible.
To offer students the best in martial arts training, physically and mentally, GO-TI School of Combative Arts Tampa will provide a place where one can learn the unique GO-TI techniques and enjoy the experience while making the commitment to learn and improve one’s self esteem, awareness, concentration, discipline and self-control. As students advance in rank from white to black belt they will gain the knowledge and experience that will last a lifetime.
Nearly 4,000 years old, this sacred martial art is steeped in tradition and was originally developed 2674 BC under the rule if Emperor Huang Ti of China. Known then as Chiou Ti, was an individual combat technique that later evolved into GO-TI in 2600 BC. GO-TI focused primarily on wrestling tactics and defensive maneuvers.
At the same time Go-Ti was developed, monks were practicing a form of medical gymnastics called Cong Fu. These exercises were designed to keep the body strong and healthy, the mind sharp and alert and the spirit calm and tranquil. Around 600 BC, Lao Tzu, a Taoist sage, composed the Tao Te Ching (The Power and the Way), which encouraged scholarship, meditation and alchemy. Both Taoism and Confucius's teachings became enmeshed in the arts of Cong Fu and Go-Ti, which by this time were intimately fused. Many Taoist monks became experts in both disciplines and their Cong Fu/Go-Ti system formed the beginnings of what is known today as Kung Fu.
Still rooted in China, the Go-Ti martial arts system has been active in the United States for the past 40 years. Master, and principle instructor of the GO-TI School of Combative Arts, Yahya Ali Munir, has brought Go-Ti martial arts to Tampa Florida in hopes of spreading the foundations of Kung Fu throughout America.
The focus of this program is to provide students the highest quality martial arts instruction available, in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy. Master Ali, a 3rd Degree Black Belt, will combine excellent student instructor ratios with, with sound family-oriented principles in his training programs
Go-Ti School for Combative Arts will offer what we believe is the best martial art in the world. Go-Ti is one of the oldest systems of fighting in the world. Although these martial art techniques are centuries old, the planned programs being offered are always evolving to keep pace with the rapidly changing world.
Nearly 4,000 years old, this sacred martial art is steeped in tradition and was originally developed 2674 BC under the rule if Emperor Huang Ti of China. Known then as Chiou Ti, was an individual combat technique that later evolved into GO-TI in 2600 BC. GO-TI focused primarily on wrestling tactics and defensive maneuvers.
At the same time Go-Ti was developed, monks were practicing a form of medical gymnastics called Cong Fu. These exercises were designed to keep the body strong and healthy, the mind sharp and alert and the spirit calm and tranquil. Around 600 BC, Lao Tzu, a Taoist sage, composed the Tao Te Ching (The Power and the Way), which encouraged scholarship, meditation and alchemy. Both Taoism and Confucius's teachings became enmeshed in the arts of Cong Fu and Go-Ti, which by this time were intimately fused. Many Taoist monks became experts in both disciplines and their Cong Fu/Go-Ti system formed the beginnings of what is known today as Kung Fu.
Still rooted in China, the Go-Ti martial arts system has been active in the United States for the past 40 years. Master, and principle instructor of the GO-TI School of Combative Arts, Yahya Ali Munir, has brought Go-Ti martial arts to Tampa Florida in hopes of spreading the foundations of Kung Fu throughout America.
The focus of this program is to provide students the highest quality martial arts instruction available, in a safe and positive learning environment that people of all ages can enjoy. Master Ali, a 3rd Degree Black Belt, will combine excellent student instructor ratios with, with sound family-oriented principles in his training programs
Go-Ti School for Combative Arts will offer what we believe is the best martial art in the world. Go-Ti is one of the oldest systems of fighting in the world. Although these martial art techniques are centuries old, the planned programs being offered are always evolving to keep pace with the rapidly changing world.
Master Ali Munir

Sensi Yahya "Ali" Munir, aka Bigg Dogg, started martial arts in the city of Detroit, MI, as a child. He is the 3rd oldest of 9 children. He comes from a long line of fighting skills. At the age of 4, his parents introduced his family to Karate. He studied Korean Karate until he was 7 years old where he then started learning Tae Kwon Do. Through the ages of 9-12 he studied Ninjitsu under Master Fareed Zarif, " Fredrick Little."
In high school, which Sensi Ali started at the age of 12, he left the "Ninja" family. Through his high school journey he then met Raleigh "Skipp" Skipper. Skipp introduced him to the style that he now lives by and teaches, GO-TI, and Master Dimitri "Meech" Paul. During that 4 years of training in GO-TI, he met and trained with Alfonso E. Steele-Smith. Alfonso studied the art of WIng Chun and Naboot (African stick fighting). Sensi Ali managed to train with both Meech and Alfonso throughout his high school years. At 16, he received his first black belt, under Meech. He then continued his training in GO-TI under Master Anthony "G-Man" Goddard. During his training with Anthony for 20 years he strived and received his 2nd and 3rd degree black belt .
****Throughout the Masters he has trained with, he has been in countless kickboxing, point, and team fighting tournaments.****
After receiving his first black belt, he started teaching his own instructional classes. One of his first students were one of his younger brothers, Naeem "Sir Flex" Munir, and cousin John "Big John the Body Snatcher" Turner. Under Sensi Ali they both were in Amateur Kickboxing matches where they both won their matches. Naeem Munir won his first Amateur Kickboxing match against Glen "The Hammer", whom at that time held an Amateur Kickboxing belt. Naeem then continued his kickboxing and MMA career winning several different titles/belts.
Sensi Ali is a family man. He has been married to Dawn Munir for 30+ years. They have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Their 2 sons, Fa*Quan and Baaree III, both have their black belts and will be assisting with the classes. Their daughter Saadiqah, currently holds a yellow belt and will be assisting and managing the operations of the GO-TI School of Combative Arts -Tampa.
Sensi Ali has held plenty of classes and conducts his classes in a family style manner. He hopes that you enjoy The GO-TI Family!!!!!
Photographs by Eve's Photography
In high school, which Sensi Ali started at the age of 12, he left the "Ninja" family. Through his high school journey he then met Raleigh "Skipp" Skipper. Skipp introduced him to the style that he now lives by and teaches, GO-TI, and Master Dimitri "Meech" Paul. During that 4 years of training in GO-TI, he met and trained with Alfonso E. Steele-Smith. Alfonso studied the art of WIng Chun and Naboot (African stick fighting). Sensi Ali managed to train with both Meech and Alfonso throughout his high school years. At 16, he received his first black belt, under Meech. He then continued his training in GO-TI under Master Anthony "G-Man" Goddard. During his training with Anthony for 20 years he strived and received his 2nd and 3rd degree black belt .
****Throughout the Masters he has trained with, he has been in countless kickboxing, point, and team fighting tournaments.****
After receiving his first black belt, he started teaching his own instructional classes. One of his first students were one of his younger brothers, Naeem "Sir Flex" Munir, and cousin John "Big John the Body Snatcher" Turner. Under Sensi Ali they both were in Amateur Kickboxing matches where they both won their matches. Naeem Munir won his first Amateur Kickboxing match against Glen "The Hammer", whom at that time held an Amateur Kickboxing belt. Naeem then continued his kickboxing and MMA career winning several different titles/belts.
Sensi Ali is a family man. He has been married to Dawn Munir for 30+ years. They have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Their 2 sons, Fa*Quan and Baaree III, both have their black belts and will be assisting with the classes. Their daughter Saadiqah, currently holds a yellow belt and will be assisting and managing the operations of the GO-TI School of Combative Arts -Tampa.
Sensi Ali has held plenty of classes and conducts his classes in a family style manner. He hopes that you enjoy The GO-TI Family!!!!!
Photographs by Eve's Photography